Ruby on Rails Developer at Twolights Studio

  • Architected, designed, implemented, and maintained production administrative web services with Ruby/Rails using Postgres and MySQL.
  • Architected customer-facing and administration web applications in Ruby on Rails using test-driven development with RSpec and Capybara.
  • Redesigned and implemented RESTful APIs to interact with a service provider that stored all personal customer information.
  • Developed a rich UI with HTML5, JQuery, Bootstrap, and Sass.
  • Implemented and Integrated Elastic Search as a Service.
  • Implemented Continuous Integration Process for effective deployments on to Stage/QA servers using Jenkins.
  • Followed Agile Methodology with 2 week sprint cycles.
  • Tested all the API's and functionality utilizing TDD principles like rspec, factorygirl, ffaker.
  • Continuously integrated features/fixes in a fast-paced and self-managed work environment.
  • Created tools using Rake to automate the creation of new customer sites.