Ruby on Rails Developer at Crossover for Work

  • Work on a team of three developers to write code for a vacation rental software.
  • Ongoing development work in Ruby and Ruby on Rails, includes backend and frontend, unit tests using RSpec, Capybara, and Jasmine.
  • Squash bugs, add additional features, and participate in code reviews
  • Kept up a minimum 95% test coverage (tracked with simplecov) by writing tests with RSpec and Capybara
  • Reduced test suite run time significantly by introducing zeus and parallel_test gem
  • Set up internal continuous integration server with Jenkins CI
  • Developed a rich UI with HTML5, Vue.js, Bootstrap, and Sass.
  • Managed projects with agile methodologies in JIRA via user stories and customer issues.
  • Designed and implemented database architecture for applications using various databases (MongoDB, MySQL, and Postgres).
  • Supported team by speeding up application load time, fixing broken unit tests, and providing advice on architecture/object oriented programming.