C# NET Developer at Coremain

  • Developed and implemented the web page interfaces.
  • Created ASP.NET pages using C#.NET for middle-tier processing of client requests with ADO.NET interfaces for database and implemented stored procedures.
  • Used ADO.NET and data objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader, Dataset, data table for consistent access to SQL data sources.
  • Developed the custom error pages and error handling.
  • Implemented appropriate WinForms error handlers so that users can experience user friendly messages for exceptions.
  • Implemented session state management.
  • Migrated the functionality from existing ASP pages to new ASPX pages and also added new functionality to reflect the Business Users requirements.
  • Participated in meetings with Business users and with other project teams to ensure that the volatile business requirements reflect in the project development.
  • Served as primary bug-fixer.